Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis dolor tempus, pretium orci sit amet, volutpat magna. Curabitur in lorem nunc. Ut quis odio vel ex elementum convallis. Phasellus arcu turpis, tempus quis interdum nec, volutpat nec metus. Mauris faucibus pulvinar interdum. Fusce in nisl vel nunc rutrum facilisis eu quis ante. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis posuere odio nec purus tempus, bibendum blandit mi viverra.
Suspendisse odio tortor, placerat sed libero ac, congue sodales libero. Phasellus sollicitudin, ante id rhoncus dictum, ipsum eros gravida dolor, sit amet porttitor tellus velit mollis felis. In vestibulum enim dictum ante blandit, in tincidunt sapien consequat. Aenean dictum congue neque id pellentesque. Nam vitae ante lectus. Proin ante purus, lobortis eget augue et, dignissim pretium diam. Mauris convallis sem in arcu congue interdum. Proin nec pellentesque mi, sed ultricies velit. Sed rhoncus tellus quis nisl rhoncus, vitae mollis magna bibendum. Aliquam ac suscipit quam. Praesent dictum, nunc eget imperdiet eleifend, augue erat mattis leo, at feugiat ex justo non eros. Sed lacus dui, fringilla a lobortis sed, tristique sit amet nulla. Integer sed mauris malesuada, ultricies velit eget, molestie odio. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin ligula orci, cursus non elit nec, viverra tristique tellus.
In id nunc porta, iaculis lacus ac, iaculis magna. In molestie diam et tempus maximus. Nam eu justo eu felis euismod condimentum ac non massa. Quisque quis mauris ut nulla tempor finibus. Donec augue felis, suscipit ut orci quis, fermentum tempus ex. In in eleifend metus, nec feugiat arcu. Mauris consectetur augue non semper maximus. In eget libero magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque vitae placerat neque.
In urna justo, venenatis eu elit ut, pellentesque varius nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nec odio eleifend, tempus ex eu, pulvinar justo. Sed interdum eu erat sed finibus. Cras ut augue sed neque sollicitudin mattis ac id diam. Vivamus euismod massa non aliquet sollicitudin. Phasellus turpis enim, congue quis tincidunt mollis, auctor sit amet mi. Aenean porttitor erat et lacus scelerisque facilisis. Nullam rutrum vulputate quam, nec semper arcu blandit sed. Etiam finibus nisi tellus, id dapibus est venenatis in.
Fusce porta placerat nisl nec vulputate. Duis eu pulvinar neque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum vitae orci sapien. Fusce eleifend ante vel vulputate porttitor. Duis rhoncus est at dictum porttitor. Maecenas fringilla libero lectus, et imperdiet mi congue id. Nulla tincidunt tellus at velit rhoncus pretium. Donec condimentum nibh in nibh consectetur vestibulum. Nam vehicula vulputate neque quis interdum.

Test Post
- 2½ pounds Cauliflower (3 heads)
- 2 cups water
- 3 tablespoons salted butter (2 melted and 1 for garnish) (Use Ghee or clarified butter if following a paleo diet)
- 1¼ teaspoons salt
- ½ teaspoon pepper
- ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
- ¼ teaspoon onion powder
- 1 tablespoon chopped chives
The Hot Dog
- 1 tbsp hot dog oil
- Wash the head of cauliflower. Then remove the leaves and the hard stem and break or cut it into florets.
- Add a steamer insert to a large soup pot. Then add 2 cups of water, cover, and bring the water to a boil over high heat. Add the cauliflower and steam until fork tender (13-15 for 1-2 heads, or 17 minutes if you are using 3 heads).
- Remove the cauliflower from the pot and let it cool enough to handle. You can discard any of the steaming liquid that is left.
- Add the steamed cauliflower florets to a thin cotton kitchen towel and give it 5 good squeezes to remove some of the liquid. This will make the texture more like real mashed potatoes.
- Add the cauliflower to a food processor then pulse and puree until nice and smooth.
- Next, add the melted butter, salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder and blend until well combined. You may need to stop and scrape the sides and bottom of the food processor to make sure everything is well incorporated.
- Stir in the chopped chives and add a slice of butter on top.
- Wash the head of cauliflower. Then remove the leaves and the hard stem and break or cut it into florets.
- Add a steamer insert to a large soup pot. Then add 2 cups of water, cover, and bring the water to a boil over high heat. Add the cauliflower and steam until fork tender (13-15 for 1-2 heads, or 17 minutes if you are using 3 heads).
- Remove the cauliflower from the pot and let it cool enough to handle. You can discard any of the steaming liquid that is left.
- Add the steamed cauliflower florets to a thin cotton kitchen towel and give it 5 good squeezes to remove some of the liquid. This will make the texture more like real mashed potatoes.
- Add the cauliflower to a food processor then pulse and puree until nice and smooth.
- Next, add the melted butter, salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder and blend until well combined. You may need to stop and scrape the sides and bottom of the food processor to make sure everything is well incorporated.
- Stir in the chopped chives and add a slice of butter on top.