
Pub pasting from grammarlylyly

The basics Mispellings and grammatical errors can effect your credibility. The same goes for misused commas, and other types of punctuation . Not only will Grammarly underline these issues in red, it will also showed you how to correctly write the sentence. But wait…there’s more? Blue underlines mean a clarity issue has been spotted by Grammarly. You’ll…

Mykol Testing Create Lists

Mykol Testing Create Lists

Pudding jelly oat cake sweet ice cream dragée soufflé cupcake. Sweet candy donut fruitcake pastry bear claw gummies powder. Powder jujubes powder chupa chups apple pie croissant liquorice carrot cake. Topping shortbread donut chocolate pie halvah cotton candy brownie. Toffee chupa chups candy canes powder gummies. Jelly beans chocolate bar gummies apple pie cotton candy…


things to do in madeira?

After 6 weeks living and working remotely on this breathtaking Portuguese island, I’m here to tell you about the many, many things to do in Madeira from hikes and adventurous activities to striking natural attractions, cultural excursions, culinary pursuits and more. I’ve been to many islands during my last 10 years of (almost) full-time travel…