
How to make a rustic af sideboard

how to make a rustic sideboard (Trellis vers)

how to make a rustic sideboard (Trellis vers)

Yield: 1
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Active Time: 2 minutes
Additional Time: 2 minutes
Total Time: 2 minutes
Difficulty: Beginner
Estimated Cost: $2

HiJoYoHiHomemade lHalloween Witch's Cauldron. asdfMake these striking witches cauldrons for Halloween this year! This homemade acauldron packs a real visual punch. Beautiful to look at, creepy without being scary, this homemade Halloween witch's cauldron is great for Halloween décor, delight trick-or-treaters, or as a fabulous Halloween party prop. kjsd


  • 12″ Cauldron
  • 16″ Cauldron
  • Piece of Cardboard
  • Cardboard Box
  • Dry Floral Foam
  • Wet Floral Foam
  • Shatterproof Ornaments – Colors used: black, green, orange, purple, blue, gold, dark bronze, and pink, all in various shades and sizes.
  • Best purchases:
  • 50ct Vibrantly Colored Shatterproof Shiny and Matte Christmas Ball Ornaments 1.5″-2″
  • Spider Lights
  • Eyeball Ornaments
  • Other Bulbs Items Purchased:
  • Glitter Ornaments (5 Assorted Sets) – this was a fabulous set, but it was not cheap
  • 4″ Bulbs – purchased black, orange, green, and purple
  • 3.2″ bulbs – purchased purple and green
  • 2.5″ bulbs – purchase purple, orange, green, and black
  • 2.3″ Bronze
  • 1.5″ bulbs – purchased blue and green
  • 3 cm Ornaments – purchased green, orange, purple, and black


  • Glue Gun
  • Hot Glue
  • Scissors


  1. YYoJooIf outside, see the notes on the blog about weep-holes and weighing down the cauldron.
  2. YoPlace a small cardboard box inside the cauldron, hot glue in place.
  3. Insert foam to wedge the box in place (wet floral foam will wedge nicely without cutting, if using dry foam you will need to cut to fit). Add more foam to fill any gaping holes (dry floral foam is fine).
  4. Add floral foam to the top of the box, and then add another floral foam on top of that. Make certain there is some sloping as that will help you build your base and the direction your eye will take when you bubbles "overflow". Hot glue in place.
  5. If you are creating a spill, cut out some cardboard to mimic a flow, and hot glue to the bottom of the cauldron.
  6. Begin placing several 4" bulbs on top of the floral foam to build the top. Place downward so the cap is facing the floral foam. Pin and hot glue in place.
  7. Add some 3" bulbs. Hot glue in place (pin if you can). There is no such thing as too much hot glue or securing on this craft.
    Note: if you ornaments have strings, take them off.
  8. Once the first layer is complete, add a layer of spider lights. If using a smaller cauldron you will need to "bury" about 10 inside the cauldron if you have a spill. This works well for a glow. If you decided against a spill, you will either need to bury a few more spiders inside the cauldron, or hot glue more to the sides at the end. For the 16" cauldron, there is no need to bury any spiders. Make sure the battery box is on the outside of the cauldron, and contains batteries. Always turn on your lights when working on a craft project as it gives you a better idea of what the finished project will look like when finished, with batteries on and lights glowing.
    Note: once you are no longer pinning the ornaments to the foam you can remove the caps if you like.
  9. Make certain you are turning your cauldron as you are adding bulbs and light, especially if this is to be a 360° display.
  10. Be aware of texture, size and colors as you begin to add smaller bulbs to the next level. You may decide to add more large bulbs as you build.
  11. Continue to add bulbs and hot glue the spiders in place as you build higher. The wires will need to be hidden if you can. Against the black bulbs, we didn't hide the wires as they blended.
  12. Once the top of your cauldron is built you will want to add some bulbs to drape down the side of your pot mimicking an overflow. If you have a spill, you will want to work on that before completing the top of your cauldron. The line on the side of your cauldron is a great guide throughout this process on where your overflow is being built, and how the height of your cauldron bubbles mesh with that flow.
  13. Continue adding bulbs and affixing the lights until you are satisfied with the way your cauldron looks.
  14. Even though you have been turning your cauldron to make sure you have looked for any errant hole, clashing colors, lack of flow, as well as looking from above, before you clean up, give everything another look or two "just to be sure". Make sure all your bulbs are securly fastened, and secure any that may have come loose.
  15. Display as desired.


YoI am asdfwriting stuff

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