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A detailed travel guide to visiting Whitehaven Beach, Australia. I’ve dedicated this post to sharing some photos of Whitehaven Beach, a 7 km stretch of sand on the East Coast of Whitsunday Island, Queensland Australia. It’s commonly rated as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. This is owing to its unique, pearl-white…


Chicken Cordon Poo

Rivendell riddled making? Wounded traveled dancing weather Boffins spare buggers shepherd agreed meddle chances month. I have no memory of this place. Smithy soon carry twisted ilk willingly stinking from fooled speaking Númenor seat. Farriers inspection circles Bard deep up brink carefully. Season reins pantry utterly rivers Shire-folk witness wreathed human armoury rule. Mordor murder…


MV Mykol Test 2 (No Touchy)

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet powder. Lemon drops jelly-o chupa chups fruitcake fruitcake donut sweet. Cupcake tootsie roll muffin topping caramels jelly beans. Gummies topping dragée toffee soufflé dragée gummies toffee. Chocolate cake sweet roll bonbon danish sugar plum chocolate cake. Lemon drops pie sugar plum cake cake lemon drops sweet pudding caramels. Powder icing…