

Everyone says they have the best venison chili, but this really might be it. This recipe is the One Ring of chili, no matter what meat you use. It has won more awards than I ever imagined it would, and if you scroll through the comments you will see reader after reader who has won…

Lorem Testum

Lorem Testum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris pharetra ante mi, non lobortis magna volutpat at. Nunc et auctor tellus. Mauris et pellentesque mi. Morbi a lacus risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce pellentesque efficitur lacus non ornare. Phasellus hendrerit lacus dolor, sed rhoncus nisl sodales at. Proin id sapien efficitur, consectetur mauris at, pretium…