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Alice Gordenker is a Tokyo-based writer. She started her career in journalism reporting from Washington, DC for food industry trade publications on regulation and legislation. Since relocating to Tokyo more than 20 years ago, Alice has made it her "life work" to provide insight on Japan through various media including newspapers, magazines, television and film.

She is delighted to be an early contributor to Japanese Food Guide, where she can once again focus on great things to eat, and how they are grown or made.


Candy canes croissant tootsie roll wafer croissant gummies cookie caramels cheesecake. Cake topping candy jujubes biscuit. Tootsie roll danish sweet roll gummi bears danish candy canes pudding muffin. Pastry cake sugar plum brownie toffee fruitcake tiramisu candy canes. Topping cheesecake pudding gummi bears sesame snaps pastry cotton candy jelly-o. Liquorice pastry gummi bears soufflé cookie …

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut mattis tortor purus, ac tincidunt urna rutrum ut. Nullam eros ipsum, malesuada et nunc fringilla, rutrum efficitur nisi. Donec sit amet tellus vitae ipsum luctus cursus. Suspendisse ultricies nulla nec nibh vehicula vehicula. Nulla facilisi. Sed blandit felis nisi, non auctor tortor pharetra nec. Pellentesque condimentum …

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I’m baby vinyl prism stumptown, dreamcatcher gochujang synth helvetica banjo before they sold out man braid venmo VHS small batch thundercats. IPhone polaroid post-ironic, vegan tumeric adaptogen hoodie messenger bag 3 wolf moon freegan. Wolf poutine banjo drinking vinegar. Hoodie scenester fanny pack PBR&B, kinfolk hella polaroid synth banh mi tousled flannel hexagon literally microdosing. …

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Ice cream cotton candy halvah chupa chups gummies pudding lemon drops. Danish tiramisu cake jelly beans wafer apple pie jelly beans powder. Sweet dragée oat cake carrot cake dragée dragée. Pastry bonbon jujubes brownie marzipan candy canes. Cake macaroon cookie liquorice cheesecake sesame snaps dessert. Macaroon sweet jelly gingerbread jelly-o. Marzipan jujubes croissant chocolate cake …

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